'Requiem' | Action Scene | Science Fiction Animated Series | In Development | Co-written with Aleksandr Gorbunov



RETH (25, slim muscular build, half Korean, half American). His face is lying in a pool of his own blood against the cold metal deck. He has a large head wound. As the scene cuts from black he wakes up, eyes wide, gasping for breath. His ragged breaths push the blood away and suck it back in again. He grunts worlessly, eyes closed in pain. We hear a hissing sound as oxygen leaks out of the room. Alarm sounds brim into existence and blare all around him.

He gasps for air and puts his arms down to push himself to his feet but as he leans his weight on his right leg it gives and he falls back down, letting out a cry of pain. Gingerly, painfully, he tries again, slowly coaxing himself to his feet. Shot from behind him as he gets up. He is looking at a set of doors in front of him. He looks to his right. There’s a small hole in the hull of the ship. Just as he makes it to his feet, a huge metal object rips through the small hole, sending him flying off his feet.

Shot from behind him. Dazed, he looks up at the object, smoke blurring his vision. It’s a pod of some sort. It slowly opens, revealing the silhouette of a gigantic, red skinned, orc-like creature inside. The creature exits the pod and stomps menacingly towards him. Panicked, Reth fumbles for his gun but - crack! - The creature kicks him hard in the stomach before he can draw.

Reth hits the back wall and grunts as his breath is knocked out of him. The creature snarls and picks him up by the neck. He punches him hard in the stomach this time and Reth spits up blood. He grasps at the hands around his neck, pulling down. His neck, his hands and the creature’s hands are slick with blood. The colour slowly drains from the scene as Reth struggles for breath. He manages to slip through the creature’s grasp, falling to the deck.

Reth reaches out to the creature’s leg.  He has a dagger in a sheath strapped to it. Reth pulls the dagger from it and drives it up and under the creature’s chin just as it grabs him in a bearhug. Slowly, he releases himself from the creature’s dying grasp.

He falls to the ground, coughing violently. He hears noises from another part of the ship and looks at the same hangar door he did before. He collects his pistol from the floor and pulls himself towards the door.


‘Sci-fi Prison Break’ - Twine Text Adventure Scenario


'Requiem' | Dialogue Scene | Science Fiction Animated Series | In Development | Co-written with Aleksandr Gorbunov